Saturday 15th of April 2017

parkrun morning again. I volunteered on the new runners briefing and as tail runner (stomach issues still) and helped with the token sorting with Kristina and a few others. Kristina also handed out the tokens with Jenny at the end of the funnel. Trevor helped with the packing away of the kit, assisted by Joshua as seen in the photo below. Carole came to watch and visit the cafe. As for the run, there was a whopping 574 runners that enjoyed the 3.1 mile course.


Of the runners, these were the places:


Keith was 336th in 28:57, his 235th run (good time for Keith that!!)

Trevor was 489rth, in 34:30, his 342nd run (fastest run since December 2015!)

Mark was 574rd in 54:15, his 311th (run with Coco).

The results can be found here:



After the run Kristina and I visited Lloyds bank to look into mortgages for the house move. It’s looking like baby will come home to 156 Lindengate Avenue, but we are planning to be moving to 11a Hamilton Drive around a month or so after baby comes. Not the best time for a move, but hopefully this will be our ‘forever’ home and baby will grow up there. Why now, well this house just fits our requirements and it’s a case of getting it done and the move out of the way rather than when baby is a toddler.


In the afternoon, Richard and Josh visited and Josh demolished his Easter egg and there was lots of playing in the garden…..



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